BOONE, Iowa—Many people have been complaining about the gnats and mosquitoes, which have appeared in the past several days. The warm, wet weather has certainly led to a proliferation of the pests. Boone Public Works announced that spraying for mosquitoes will begin Thursday, May 24th. Public Works will continue to spray for mosquitoes, weather permitting, every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Spraying is done at dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Spraying will continue until cold weather returns.
Boone Public Works will also address other areas where standing water could lead to additional mosquitoes. Information on materials used to control mosquitoes is available on the Boone City website
Boone Public Works Director John Rouse also reminds residents to check for standing water in their own yards or for items that collect water, allowing mosquitoes to breed, like tires or other items, including gutters that may be blocked. For those with bird baths and ponds, changing water and providing treatment will help contain the mosquito population.