BOONE, Iowa—Fishing tackle, pole rigging, casting, knots, fish identification, and when and where to fish will be topics at the Fishing workshops for youth to be held at Don Williams Lake on Tuesday, May 29th for beginners and Thursday, May 31st for intermediate anglers. Youth are welcome to attend both classes. The class will be from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Lodge by the Lake by bait shop and boat ramp.
The workshop is for youth presently in third grade or older accompanied by an adult. Parents, grandparents, or friends are encouraged to bring a youth to hook them on the lifelong sport of fishing. Anyone age 16 and over, who intends to fish, must purchase a fishing license and bring it with them to the class.
Pre registrations (with a small fee) are being taken at the Boone County ISU Extension Office at 1327 SE Marshall Street in Boone. Registration will also be accepted the day of the workshops.
The workshop leader is Katie Healy, Boone County Naturalist and Mike Sawyer of Boone, Fish Iowa trained volunteer. Sponsors are Boone County Conservation Board, and Boone County ISU Extension in cooperation with the Iowa DNR and local family memorial.
For more information contact the Boone County ISU Extension Office at 515/432-3882 or their website
(contributed article Boone County Extension)