BOONE, Iowa—Iowa Senator Joni Ernst’s 4th Annual Roast and Ride was greeted by pretty good weather conditions Saturday, when more than 450-motorcycles arrived at the Central Iowa Expo east of Boone. Rain earlier stayed away and a pretty good breeze kept the one-thousand or more attendees cooler. Supporters were treated to a bar-b-cue and rousing speeches from Governor Kim Reynolds who compared herself to her Democratic challenger Fred Hubbell.
South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy delivered an addressing urging Iowa Republicans to continue pressing for candidates, not only in the next, but future elections. Gowdy urged supporters to build a majority that will remain sustainable in the future.
Senator Joni Ernst thanked everyone for participating and talked about the work still to be done in Washington and also about progress made on some recent legislation related to Veterans Care.
The Ride portion of the event was to raise money for a Veterans Service organization and Ernst said this year the proceeds would support the efforts of the Travis Mills Foundation. Mills was on hand to thank everyone for their support for his foundation.
The Joni Ernst 4th Annual Roast and Ride was held Saturday with more than 450 riders leaving Big Barn Harley Davidson in Des Moines, riding to Boone and the Central Iowa Expo site.