BOONE, Iowa—One Hundred and sixty-six (166) 4-H& FFA members entered a total of seven hundred and thirty-six (736) family consumer science and special interest exhibits at the 2018 Boone County Fair on Tuesday, July 17, 2018.
Fourteen judges visited with 4-H& FFA members about their exhibits during conference judging. Members talked about their goals, steps they went through to create their exhibits, and what they learned. The judges shared comments and suggestions with each member as exhibits were evaluated. 4-H exhibits are judged to educate, encourage, and evaluate the youth about their project work.
4-H members who have completed fifth through twelfth grades are eligible to have exhibits selected for the Iowa State Fair on August 9 – 19. These exhibits were displayed in the southeast corner of the community building during the 2018 Boone County Fair.
4-H members whose exhibits were selected for state fair are:
Family and Consumer Sciences Department
Clothing, Sewing & Needle Arts: Bella Bryan, Ogden (Romper); McKayla Dozier, Ogden (Outfit); and Lauren Hansen, Story City (Balaro).
Food and Nutrition: Natalie Bretey, Boone (Quinoa Flour); Emily Baumgardner, Boone (Nutrition Report); and Clay Warson, Madrid (Meal Preparation Report).
Health: Viatris Scott, Pilot Mound (Report).
Home Improvement: Megan Osborn, Ames (Restored Wood Dresser); Cohl Burdette, Ogden (Refurbished Chairs).
Special Interest Department
Animals, Agriculture and Natural Resources:Natalie Bretey, Boone (Stash Your Trash Poster); Brady Zalesak, Ogden (Painted Deer Skull); Katie Barnes, Boone (Succulent Plant Care Poster); JacieFlockhart, Boone (Pallet Planter and Archery Safety Poster); Amelia Verkade, Boone (The Fowl Killer Poster); Rylie Weyhrich, Boone (Paint Horse Patterns Report); Cianna Weddle, Ames (Bailey Chair for Dog).
4-H Poster Communications:Landra Reece, Boone (4-H is Growing Up!).
Science, Mechanical and Engineering:Science & Technology 4-H Club (Air Cannon); Emily Baumgardner, Boone (Wooden Music Stand); Caraline Hertz, Boone (Wood Bench); Jesse Murray, Boone (Wooden Table)
Personal Development: Abigail Dies, Ames (Whitmer Cemetery Citizenship Project); Caraline Hertz, Boone (Pumpkin Up the Jam: For Gold Star Families); Lauren Hansen, Story City (Fashion Film).
Photography: Abigail Dies, Ames (Boat & Covered Bridge); Hannah Heckman, Boone (Twisted Glass); Mason Porter, Boone (Reflection of Car, photo book of cats & multiple exposure); Landra Reece, Boone (Dragonfly); Isabella Reutter, Ogden (Girl with Camera); Ebony Scott, Pilot Mound (Ants on Flower); Viatris Scott, Pilot Mound (Bailing Hay); Shayla Timm, Madrid (Ocean Pier); Amelia Verkade, Boone (Lizard); Claire Whalen, Pilot Mound (Moth on Grass); Hunter Wisecup, Ogden (Girl with Flowers).
Visual Arts:Ally Baumhover, Woodward (Terrace Sculptures); Jackson Smith, Boone (Cathedral Drawing and Iguana drawing); Amelia Verkade, Boone (Dragon on Mountain); Claire Whalen, Pilot Mound (Drywall art).
Aerospace Interest Group model rockets: Hudson Bretey, Boone (Centuri); Warren Wellington, Boone(Centuri); Ebony Scott, Pilot Mound (Super Nova); and Mason Porter, Boone (Super Nova).

Boone County State Fair Qualifiers L-R: First Row: Brady Zalesak, Cianna Weddle, Hunter Wisecup, Cohl Burdette, Jesse Murray and Katie Barnes
Second Row: Nathan Vorst, Emily Baumgardner, Ameila Verkade, Brandon Vorst, Clay Warson, Sage Seeger, Bella Bryan and Mason McClain.
Back Row: Franny Burke-Vens, Regan Kruse, Grant Wellington, Chaz Warson, Mason Porter, Hudson Bretey, Linden Seeger, Claire Whalen, Warren Wellington, Landra Reece, Natalie Bretey, Ebony Scott, Lauren Hansen, McKayla Dozier, and Viatris Scott.
(contributed article and photo, Boone County Extension and 4-H)