MADRID, Iowa—The second of this summer’s free “Learning Live the WildWay” educational series will offer an informative overview of one of nature’s most fascinating and misunderstood groups of wild creatures: the bats.
On Sunday, Aug. 12, from 2-4 pm, at the Ledges State Park Oak Shelter, Iowa Wildlife Center’s animal caretaker, Kavya Parsa, will present “Learning Live – Bat Blast: An Educational Family Outing,” followed by a guided nature walk with Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildlife biologist Stephanie Shepherd.
Attendees are encouraged to dress for outdoor enjoyment, bring a folding chair and water bottle, and leave their pets at home.
“Bats are remarkable animals that deserve to be understood and respected,” says IWC Executive Director Marlene Ehresman. “We’re happy to give people the opportunity to interact with them and learn how they can help them. And we’re delighted that the Iowa DNR is sponsoring these wonderful opportunities for people to learn more about wildlife and nature.”
Some earlier announcements have the program held at the Iowa Wildlife Center, so note the change in location to the Ledges State Parks Oak Shelter.
Plan now to attend the third and final presentation in this educational series on Sept. 9, when raptors will be highlighted. Visit the IWC website at or Facebook page to learn more. Directional road signs will be posted on the day of each event.