BOONE, Iowa—The Boone Police Department released information this week on the number of calls received in 2018. The total number of calls, 12,202 was up from the 2017 total of 11,232. In 2018, officers reported 602 arrests, down from 637 in 2017.
In 2017 the department reported these arrests:
Arrests: 637
- Assault: 58
- Burglary/theft: 71
- Vandalism: 20
- Drug: 102
- Alcohol: 73
- Other: 313
In 2018, the department reported these arrests:
Arrests: 602
- Assault: 49
- Burglary/theft: 60
- Vandalism: 20
- Drug: 78
- Alcohol: 80
- Other: 315
Other statistics show that warrant arrests were down from 2017 to 2018, dropping from 132 to 121. Traffic accidents also declined from 328 to 207. Another accident statistic is state reportable accidents which also declined slightly from 147 to 141.
The number of traffic offenses in which warnings were issued increased from 1,575 to 1,694 in 2018. Traffic citations also increased from 1,114 to 1,289 in 2018.
Other released statistics shows the number of animal calls increased from 229 in 2017 to 318 in 2018. Calls to assist motorists stayed pretty close from 2017 to 2018, up slightly from 447 to 464. Emergency medical assists dropped by almost 100 from 277 to 172 in 2018.