BOONE, Iowa—The Boone City Council will hold a Special Meeting Tuesday evening to address the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. When the schedule was proposed, City Administrator Bill Skare told the Council he thought they would be able to complete their work in one meeting. He said if anything out of the ordinary were to surface, they could look at having a second meeting the following Tuesday.
The Council will hear individual presentations on 25 parts of the city’s budget, everything from the cost associated with operating the electronic message board and the revenue received from that operation to the Water and Sewer Departments. If the Council agrees and accepts the proposed budget, total tax rate is expected to remain unchanged from the current fiscal year at $15.62 per thousand of valuation. There would be an increase in the Special Revenue Levies and a decrease in Debt Service Levy. But the Council has had a goal of keeping the total levy rate unchanged.
The Special Council Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday in the Council Chamber at Boone City Hall.