CEDAR FALLS, Iowa – The Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council will begin accepting applications for the STEM BEST® Program starting today.
Fifty STEM BEST® Programs have been awarded throughout Iowa over the past five years. These programs are creating excitement around the state as roles and responsibilities for meaningful activities are created and refined in the K-12 educational area. Models feature public-private partnerships between schools and local businesses and are cost-shared enterprises that match the STEM Council’s investment with local dollars. Further details on these awarded programs can be found at www.IowaSTEM.gov/STEMBEST.
The goal of STEM BEST® Program is to unite educators and employers to expand the learning continuum from school to careers. The STEM Council has designated a portion of the state legislative funding to support the establishment of Iowa STEM BEST® Program models, preferably evenly distributed across each of Iowa’s six STEM regions. Selected applicants will become an Iowa STEM BEST® Program model of the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council.