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Boone County Seeks to Verify 9-1-1 Addresses

Posted on 03 June 2019 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—Boone County has begun a check to verify 9-1-1 addresses.  In an announcement from the county’s IT Department, a call was put out to get residents to access an app to make sure they have a correct address listed. Work on updating the data is being done by Penny Vossler, GISP, the Boone County G-I-S Coordinator.

Does Boone County 911 have your address? Click the link below to access an APP to verify that we do.  Apartments and other multi-unit residential housing are at greatest probability of being missing from this dataset.  Zoom or use the search box to locate your residence or commercial building. If the correct address is displayed, you are done! If the address is incorrect or missing, click the Edit tool on the APP and enter the correct address information. Fill in the blanks for contact information in case we have questions about your entry.

911 Address Verification APP

Thanks for doing your part to keep Boone County safe! Contact with questions or difficulties inputting address information.


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