DES MOINES, Iowa—Greg Piklapp, Boone City Councilmember has been elected to serve on the Executive Board of the Iowa League of Cities. Piklapp became a League Board Member on September 27th during the League’s Annual Business Meeting, held in conjunction with their Annual Conference.
Piklapp is currently serving his 3rd term on the Boone City Council and is Chair of the City Economic Development Committee while also serving on the Policy and Administration Committee. He currently also serves on the Boone County Economic Growth Board, a Regional Housing Trust Board member for Boone County, City Downtown Greenspace Committee member and past member of the League’s Legislative Policy Committee to name a few.
“Iowa’s communities are on the public service front lines. From the moment when you wake up and turn on your faucet for water, to driving on streets for work, to living in a safe community with police and fire protection 24 hours a day” Piklapp said. “And Boone is like many rural communities working to grow and maintain quality services while dealing with increasing mandates and tight budgets.”
“The League of Cities is a great resource and advocate for communities across Iowa. Our members share information and problem solve together, which in turn creates partnerships and friendships that help grow the entire state,” he added.
The League’s Executive Board is responsible for adopting policies to provide direction to the League, adopting the annual operating budget, establishing membership fees and providing direction to the organization. The Board consists of 14 board director positions and five officer positions. All of these positions must be filled by current city officials who represent cities of various populations and geographic locations.
The membership elects directors to two-year terms, and each member can serve up to two terms.