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Boone County Releases Updated ‘Where Do I Vote’ APP

Posted on 25 October 2019 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—With the City and School Elections set for November 5th, some may be wondering if there are changes in where to vote, and there are changes.  School district polling is now included at general election polling locations.  As an example, Boone School District patrons previously voted at the community building on the fair grounds.  Now that voting is including at all the city election locations.  Because school district boundaries are different than voting precincts, there are additional changes that need to be dealt with.  That is why registered voters received a mailing form the Auditor’s Office earlier in October to explain where to go vote or offering a request form for an absentee ballot.

The easiest way to find out where you vote and what’s on the ballot is now available from Boone County.  The Boone County IT Department has prepared a ‘Where Do I Vote’ APP.  Follow the instructions and see all the information made available for the upcoming election.  This link is also

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