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City Remains Involved with COVID-19 Planning

Posted on 09 April 2020 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—Boone Mayor John Slight and city staff released information about the city’s participation and involvement in the planning and preparations that have been made for dealing with COVID-19 in Boone and Boone County:

The City of Boone continues to work with its partners every day to monitor conditions as it relates to COVID-19. These partners include Boone County Public Health (lead agency), Boone County Board of Health, Emergency Management, Boone County Hospital, Boone County School systems, as well as Law Enforcement (Boone Police Department, Boone County Sheriff’s Office and Communications Center), Boone Fire Department and KWBG Radio (Public Information).

The Fire and Police Chief are part of a County-wide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to address conditions day to day.

The City of Boone encourages all citizens to comply with the Governor’s Social Distancing Proclamation. Please maintain at least 6-10 feet distance between you and another person. Do not participate in a social gathering of more than 10 people. The State Department of Public Safety has requested local law enforcement monitor and enforce (if necessary) the Governor’s restrictions.

We urge citizens to stay informed and follow all recommendations put out by Iowa Department of Public Health, CDC and local officials. This includes, but not limited to, following social distancing recommendations, washing hands often, disinfecting surfaces you touch on a regular basis, and other practices recommended by healthcare professionals. Please refer to the Iowa Department of Public Health website at, which are updated as the situation changes. You can also call 211 or download their app for more information or assistance.

If you have any questions or concerns call City Hall at 515-432-4211.

Residents also need to remember that even though there are limitations on gatherings in parks.  Play grounds are currently off limits and shelters are not available.  City staff is still working and is accessible by telephone.

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