BOONE, Iowa—Boone County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections, Philippe Meier, is encouraging people to vote by mail for the June Primary Election. His office has posted an announcement about the issues that are faced during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Boone County Auditor’s office had absentee ballot request forms placed in the Boone Shopping news this week, to encourage Boone County voters to request absentee ballots. “Sample Ballots” for both parties in the Primary Election are attached for voters to review.
The Auditor’s office is encouraging county voters to vote by mail to be safe and also, Boone County will have only three polling places on June 2, 2020. The reason, most of the current election precinct official are of the age that places them in group that is projected to be the most vulnerable to the corona virus.
The current plans for polling places are at:
BOONE COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS COMMUNITY BUILDING: All of City of Boone and Des Moines Township, and Rural Precinct 6 which includes Jackson, Harrison and Dodge Townships.
MADRID HIGH SCHOOL GYM (if available) if not SAINT MALACHY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH: All of the City of Madrid, Rural Precinct 1 which includes Garden (including Boone County portion of Sheldahl) and Colfax Townships; Rural Precinct 2 City of Luther, Cass Township (including the Boone County portion of City of Woodward), Douglas and Worth Townships.
OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL GYM (if available) if not GOOD COMMUNITY CENTER: All of the City of Ogden, Rural Precinct 3 which includes the City of Berkley, Peoples and Union Townships; Rural Precinct 4 which includes the City of Beaver and the Townships of Amaqua, Beaver, Marcy & Yell; Rural Precinct 5 which includes Cities of Boxholm, Fraser & Pilot Mound; and the townships of Grant & Pilot Mound.
This is a very difficult year to plan and we hope that all citizens will strongly consider voting absentee by mail or in person at auditors office before June 2, 2020.