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Boone School Board Chooses Full Return to School

Posted on 05 August 2020 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—After lengthy discussion, the Boone School Board voted 4-1 to begin the school year by having students return to classes fully on site on a daily basis.  Board member Pat Thieben was opposed to the plan and had originally proposed a full on site return for the elementary and middle school and a hybrid plan for the high school.  That vote failed 2-3 with Dr. Pam Nystrom supporting the proposal.  The district also has in place an online educational choice for those parents that wish to do so.  The online educational choice will be more rigid that the continuous learning opportunities that were made available last spring with the coronavirus pandemic closed schools.  There will also be a proposed change in the school calendar.  Superintendent Julie Trepa told the board the matter would be on next Monday’s regular school board meeting agenda, pushing start of school back a week and extending the end of the school year.

A full on site return will mean that masks or shields will  be worn, methods to separate students when they can’t social distance will be taken, the logistics for lunches, transportation and other activities are also being implemented.

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