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Boone County Public Health Reports 70% Vaccination Rate for Those 65+

Posted on 09 March 2021 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—Boone County Public Health has reported that the vaccination rate for COVID-19 in Boone County is at 70% for those 65 and older.  The data was taken from census information and the number of vaccinations administered and registered into the state system.  The numbers are apparently for those that have had both the primary and the booster shots or had received just the primary so far and are expected to receive the booster dose.  It was expected that there would be a number that would either delay receiving the vaccine or just not wish to receive it at all.

The COVID-19 vaccination phone line opens up tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. and will be open until all appointments are full. To schedule your COVID vaccine, please call the COVID-19 Vaccine Line at (515) 433-8299 (VAXX). They are currently vaccinating individuals in the 1B priority list which includes individuals 65 and older, as well as individuals that are 64 and younger with underlying health conditions. To see which underlying health conditions apply, please check here.



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