BOONE, Iowa—Boone 5th Ward Council Member Greg Piklapp has officially announced that he will not be seeking re-election to the Boone City Council. Piklapp released a statement in an email and also on social media. His announcement follows:
Some of you may have already heard and I know the rumors are rampant at this point but wanted to make it official that I do not intend to run for reelection to the Boone City Council this November.
This is my 12th year of service, serving on over a dozen different local committees/statewide organization boards in addition to my general Council duties and being Chair of the City Economic Development Committee. I have worked with some of the best people you can imagine, we have accomplished a great deal for Boone while starting some major initiatives that will be greatly beneficial to future generations.
You will still see me around and am always up for that long conversation in the middle of the Fareway aisle that drives my kids nuts when they just want to get going. But I look forward to finding new ways to contribute to the community while enjoying more time with my family who has supported me immensely over the past 12 years.
As always, thank you Boone!

Greg Piklapp decides not to seek re-election to Boone City Council.