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FFA Big Event in May Volunteering at the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad

Posted on 01 June 2022 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—The FFA (Future Farmers of America) hosted their annual community service event calledThe Big Event. Last month, 10 volunteers from Boone High School visited the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad’s James H. Andrew Railroad Museum tackling a variety of challenges. They accomplished the following: weeded gardens; washed windows in both the passenger cars and museum; cleaned museum display cases and walls; vacuumed in the museum; and picked up sticks.

The Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad and James H. Andrew Railroad Museum are grateful to all for this program and student volunteers for the excellent job they did.


Front Row L-R, Kayla Miller, Maci Mosher, Hannah Derry, Bria Schwind, Mackenzie Sego, Brooke Rice
Back Row L-r, Kyrra Racine, Madelynn Piklapp, Wyatt Young, Wyatt Sharp
Not Pictured-Alexander Delany-Student Teacher












FFA Big Event Cleaning Windows on the Rock Island car









FFA Big Event volunteers clean windows in a passenger car









FFA Big Event de-weeding the north side of the signal garden at the James H. Andrews Railroad Museum and History Center










(contributed article and photos, BSVRR)

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