NEVADA, Iowa—The Center for Rural Affairs will bring together a panel of speakers to discuss the part renewable energy generation can play in building a resilient, sustainable future for Iowa’s electrical grid.
The webinar “Rural Energy Forum: Building Distributed Generation in Iowa” is set for July 12, from 10 to 11 a.m.
“Iowa is undergoing a period of transition as more renewable energy systems come online and old fossil fuel based systems are retired,” said Nick Summers, policy assistant for the Center. “Many Iowans question what the state’s electrical grid will look like in the coming years. This webinar will discuss the role distributed renewable energy generation can play in a reliable clean energy grid.”
Panelists will include John Zakrasek, director, Linn County Clean Energy District; Steve Falck, senior policy advocate, Environmental Law and Policy Center; and Bob Rafferty, executive director, Iowa Business for Clean Energy.
Community members are encouraged to come with questions for the panel. For more information and to register for this online event, visit