AMES, Iowa—The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Women in Ag Leadership Conference is seeking Women Impacting Agriculture nominees. The winners will be honored at the 2022 Women in Ag Leadership Conference, to be held Nov. 29-30.
“The goal of the award is to honor women who are making positive changes in Iowa agriculture,” said Madeline Schultz, Women in Ag program manager with ISU Extension and Outreach.
Schultz invites nominations for women in all areas of agriculture including owners, managers and employees of Iowa farms, agricultural businesses and organizations. Nominees must also have a connection to ISU Extension and Outreach, either serving as a volunteer, Iowa State University alum or any unpaid position within the organization.
Honorees will receive a cash award, a personalized gift and conference registration. 2020 honoree Emily Boettcher said she enjoyed getting to network with new people and still keeps in touch with them today. She believes the award is a great example of the encouragement women in agriculture should share with each other.
“I would encourage people to nominate others,” said Boettcher. “They (people in agriculture) make the world go round.”
Nomination forms and additional information can be found at
All Iowans who know a woman making a difference in agriculture are invited to submit their nominations no later than Friday, Oct. 7.
Questions can be directed to Schultz at

Woman feeding beef cattle
(contributed press release, ISUANR)