BOONE, Iowa—This week, the Boone City Council voted to hold a Special Election to fill a vacancy on the Boone City Council on March 21st. The Councils vote was during their meeting on Monday. Monday was also the deadline for submission of a petition calling for a Special Election for Boone County Sheriff. That petition was submitted with over two-thousand signatures. After receiving the petition, the Boone County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections was able to set that election date and went with March 21st.
Boone County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Diane Patrick released this information on Thursday:
The Special Election called for by petition to fill the vacancy of County Sherriff has been scheduled for March 21, 2023, combined with the City of Boone At-Large City Council Vacancy. Eligible voters within the city limits of Boone will have the opportunity to vote for Boone County Sheriff to fill vacancy and City of Boone At-Large City Council Member to fill vacancy at the same time. Those eligible voters outside of the city limits of Boone will have the opportunity to vote for Boone County Sherriff to fill vacancy.
The candidate filing period is now open for both of these positions.
City of Boone At-Large City Council Member to Fill Vacancy– nomination paperwork needs to
be filed with the City Clerk, at the City Hall.
Boone County Sherriff to Fill Vacancy – nomination paperwork needs to be filed with the
Boone County Auditor, at the Courthouse.
The candidate nomination filing deadline is Friday, February 24th by 5:00 p.m.