BOONE, Iowa—Both the Boone City Public Works and Building Department have released their annual reports to the Boone City Council. The reports were included at the council meeting on January 16th. In a prepared statement following the meeting, the reports were summarized:
The Boone Public Works Department and Building Department have released their 2022 annual reports,
detailing activities to maintain the city’s infrastructure and aid in its growth and vitality.
Highlights of the Public Works Department’s year include installing, servicing or replacing 383 water
meters around the city; completing 1,693 Iowa One Call underground “locates” of water mains and
other underground utilities for local contractors and City construction projects; performing citywide
residential and commercial meter readings for monthly billing purposes, as well as 1,225 service
readings for customers changing addresses; repairing eight water main breaks, performing four hydrant
repairs and three hydrant replacements; root cutting 62 blocks of sewer; and planning and assisting with
the South Linn and Union Street intersection replacement.
To see the department’s complete – and extensive – list of 2002 accomplishments, please see the
attached document.
Boone Public Works Department 2022 Annual Report
The Building Department issued 38 residential construction permits with a total valuation of $9,850,000.
Overall, the department issued 625 permits, including 207 building, nine demolition, 161 electrical, 137
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), 103 plumbing and eight sign permits. The department
collected $133,564.04 in permit fees last year.
Complete details of the department’s activities are available in an attached document.
Boone Building Department 2022 Annual Report

(contributed article, City of Boone)