BOONE, Iowa—Downtown development will be the focus when Boone is visited by five downtown revitalization specialists from the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Downtown Resource Center. The City of Boone has coordinated this Downtown Assessment scheduled for April 26th through April 28th. The Assessment is an intense, on-site study of the downtown, including a public presentation at the end of the visit and a written report that will help Boone with its planning efforts.
Jim Engle, Director of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, says “the Assessment Visit is a great way for a community to take a step back and get honest feedback from a qualified group of downtown professionals. The five-person team will highlight the downtown’s strengths and challenges, and will offer some practical recommendations that the community can implement over time.”
All five on the assessment team have worked extensively in all sizes of communities in the Midwest with an emphasis on downtown development. Many communities in Iowa have taken advantage of this service and then went on to execute successful plans and projects. Issues such as downtown aesthetics, business mix and development, organizational refinement, promotion calendars, and building rehabilitation are common themes for the downtown assessment visits.
While on-site, the team will tour the community and the downtown, hold a public meeting and interview many Boone individuals and groups. Engle says “the visit is always most successful when we have excellent community input. We encourage Boone residents to get involved with the visit in some way. Meet with the assessment team. Attend the public meeting Friday the 28th from 12-1:30 in the Boone City Hall Auditorium. We encourage you to think about your downtown and come ready to participate.”

(contributed press release, Downtown Boone Committee)