BOONE, Iowa—Boone City Council 4th Ward Councilmember Terry Moorman recently released a formal announcement that he intends to seek re-election for another 4-year term on the Boone City Council this November. The following is the official press release:
With great humility and honor, I announce my intention to accept the invitation made tome by friends and neighbors of the 4th Ward to seek another term as their representative on the Boone City Council.
I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished during the past 48 months, but I recognize that there is still much to do to enhance the quality of life for everyone in Boone. Not only today’s residents but perhaps, more importantly, our children and grandchildren. It’s a job I want to finish, and I know we can by working together.
For example, in my first year on the Council, working with the Mayor, members of the Council, City staff, and involved citizens, we built the Green Space that has since brought thousands of people together downtown. By working together, we were able to demolish the old Fareway building and add nearly 200 new housing options and much more.
There is still so much more to do!! It’s an exciting time. For the past four years, I’ve reviewed and analyzed the issues that impact our community and understand the challenges and opportunities and how things work. As Chair of both the Economic Development and Utilities Committees, I can assure you that there are projects in the works that will not only move us forward but also provide additional amenities to help Boone grow, all of which have the potential to ease our property taxes. Again, by working together, we can make Boone better for everyone, and with your support and vote, we will! For this reason, I respectfully ask residents of the 4th Ward for your votes so that I may finish what we started.
Terry Moorman
The combined Municipal and School Board Election will be held November 7, 2023.