BOONE, Iowa—Outgoing Boone Mayor John Slight delivered the Oath of Office to new Mayor Elijah Stines during a ceremony Friday in the Council Chambers at Boone City Hall. Slight has wrapped up 20 years as Boone’s Mayor. Stines will be resigning his 3rd Ward Council seat and the Council will need to determine if they will call for a Special Election or opt to appoint someone to fill the vacancy. Stines was elected in a three-way race last November, defeating Tracy Anderson and Denny Hamman.
Also receiving the Oath of Office was 4th Ward Councilmember Terry Moorman. Moorman was first appointed to the council to fill a vacancy, won a special election and was then elected to a full term on the council. This is his second full term.
Recently elected Park Board members David Sherry and Susan Thorngren did not attend Friday’s event.