BOONE, Iowa—The Boone County Community Foundation has received a $157,184 state award for countywide grantmaking and endowment building. The payment is a result of legislation (House File 2302) passed in 2004 by the Iowa General Assembly. $117,888 will be available for grantmaking in 2025 and $39,296 has been placed in the permanent endowment.
The legislation which was part of several incentives to promote the formation and development of county foundations in Iowa, provided that eight tenths of one percent of the gross receipts of gambling be distributed to non-gaming counties who established countywide community foundations. There are 83 non-gambling counties in Iowa.
Again this year, the Boone County Community Foundationwill be receiving funds from Grow Greene County. Grow Greene County has a partnership with the Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson and will be providing funds to surrounding counties for grantmaking.
The Boone County Community Foundation has been working diligently to organize and prepare for the state funds and for other local gifts that will help advance charitable and philanthropic activity in the county. The Boone County Community Foundation is pleased to utilize an upgraded on-line application process this year. The application and information is now available for online grant application.
The deadline for the application is February 7, 2025.
Individuals and nonprofit charitable organizations interested in making gifts and receiving grants from the foundation should contact: Boone County Community Foundation at or at
