BOONE, IA – Early this fall, Boone will have a new store opening on the south side. As of Monday, April 30, Bomgaars, a family owned and operated farm and ranch retailer, took possession of the building at 1815 S. Story, which is most commonly known in Boone as the “old Walmart.” By Wednesday, there was already a flooring contractor in working on the building, with plans to have full construction and remodeling underway within a month. According to Torrey Wingert of Bomgaars, they were attracted to Boone for several reasons. The geographic location fits perfectly into their plans, having just opened a store in Carroll, and already having a store in Jefferson. A major factor in choosing Boone to open a new store was the availability of a nice, large, vacant building. As they have expanded from 18 stores in 2002 to 84 stores in 2018, Bomgaars appreciates the cost effectiveness of remodeling an existing structure rather than building from the ground up. And finally, Bomgaars felt Boone was a nice town that is showing growth.
Bomgaars expects to employ at least 25 to 30 people in a mix of full and part time positions.