DES MOINES, IA – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is partnering with county auditors, including our Boone County Auditor Phil Meier, to conduct “Voter Ready” roundtable discussions. These are designed to establish partnership with local groups to share the facts about the election law changes. In Boone County, our meeting is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8:30 at the Boone County Courthouse first floor conference room. Along with being Boone County’s Auditor, Phil Meier is also our Commissioner of Elections. He is encouraging those who are not already registered to vote, to do so early. Also, if you have moved since the last election, you will need to update your information. If you would like to vote at the Primary Election in June, you may register on Election Day. However, if you enroll by May 25th, you’ll avoid extra paperwork at the polling place. Absentee voting for the Primary is currently available. Contact the Auditor’s office for the official details.