BOONE, Iowa—Boone Public Works today announced that Mamie Eisenhower Avenue between Benton and Linn Street will be closed today (Tuesday) for emergency repair. A detour is being provided. No other information on the need for emergency repair was made available. Boone City Administrator Bill Skare and Public Works Director John Rouse are schedule to be guests on the KWBG “Tuned In” Program Wednesday at 8:35 a.m.
Besides the closure on Mamie Eisenhower, the expected daytime closure on 5-Mile Driver, between South Linn Street and South Delaware Streets will take place this week. Utility work has been scheduled but the contractor was not able to get started last week. The closure is expected from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. thru Thursday.
Meanwhile, Mannatt’s has returned to complete resurfacing on Frances Mason Drive, the McHose Park Road. The project is expected to be completed Thursday. Foot traffic in the park will be permitted.