BOONE, Iowa—Organizers have announced that the water portion of this weekend’s Dragoon River Romp in Boone County will be cancelled due to rising river levels. The award winning Dragoon River Romp is held in September because the Des Moines River is traditionally at a lower level which allows for both water based and land based clean-up activities. Last year the event was cancelled due to the weather and high water levels on the Des Moines River, but things were looking better for this weekends event, until excessive rainfall was received upstream. Since early this week, the river level has gradually been on the rise and rather than taking any chances, it was decided to forego the water based clean-up, and instead focus on the land based clean-up activity. Carrie Self has been coordinating the event this year for Keep Boone County Beautiful. The schedule still calls for registration to begin Saturday morning at 7:15 a.m. at Seven Oaks. Land based check in will follow safety training about 8:00 a.m. Information about joining the land based cleanup activity is available by contacting the Boone County Landfill at 515-433-0591 or by email at Online information is available here.