BOONE, Iowa—Over one hundred 4-H members and adult volunteers were honored for their achievements at the Boone County 4-H Awards Day held Sunday, November 10th at the Community Building on the Boone County Fairgrounds. Awards were presented to recognize youth for growth and achievement in project areas, for outstanding overall 4-H participation, and for communication, citizenship and leadership activities. Members of the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee reviewed record books and award nominations, selected 4-H members to receive awards and conducted the awards presentation.
Six Outstanding Graduate 4-H members were introduced by donors of the awards, Hans Pollard, representing Boone Bank and Trust Co., Amy Landas, representing US Bank of Boone, and Kurt Phillips, representing the Ag Committee of the Boone County Chamber of Commerce. The two graduated 4-H members honored for their achievements were: Natalie Bretey of Boone and Megan Osborn of Ames.
Four Outstanding Freshmen 4-H Members were honored by the family of Arnold and Marie Harris. Recipients included: Joe Baumhover from Woodward, Hudson Bretey from Boone, Franny Burke-Vens from Madrid and Alanna Schroeder from Ames.
The Lions Club of Boone and Boone Rotary Club sponsored eight Outstanding Sixer 4-H members. They included: Owen Bergstrom from Ogden, Drew Hayworth, Wyatt Herrstrom, Caraline Hertz and Emma Weibold from Boone, Tyler Osborn, Cianna Weddle and Lucy Read from Ames.
A scholarship was awarded to Megan Osborn from Ames in memory of Joyce Safly and Julienne Blomgren, former Boone County 4-H alumni, leaders, and dedicated volunteers. Megan is currently studying Ag Production at Kirkwood Community College.
Two scholarships were presented to former Boone County 4-H members who are now juniors or seniors in college. Donors were the Ed and Fran Thompson Memorial and Boone County Farm Bureau. Scholarship recipients and the college they are attending were: Landra Reece currently studying Environmental Science and Law, Politics and Society at Drake University and Ben Ostendorf who is currently studying Agricultural Studies at Iowa State University.
A scholarship was awarded to McKayla Dozier in memory of Alice M. Flynn. Alice M. Flynn was a faithful 4-H and fair supporter. McKayla Dozier is currently studying Animal Science at Iowa State University.
Two scholarships were given out in memory of Helen Jean Bice who was active in her community and enjoyed promoting agriculture. The recipients of the Helen Jean Bice Memorial Scholarship is Megan Osborn and McKayla Dozier.
Starting this year, Boone County 4-H is proud to give out two additional scholarships. The first is in memory of John Munson Jr who shared his passion of horses with 4-H’ers. Over the years, he mentored many youth to learn to ride. The first recipient of the John Munson Jr. Memorial Scholarship is Braeden Weyhrich who is studying Music Education at Oklahoma State University. The second new scholarship was in memory of Andy Nelson. For the past 30 years, the Nelson Family have sponsored many awards, leader gifts and scholarships. Andy Nelson was passionate about computers. The criteria for this scholarship includes pursuing a degree in a technology related field. The first recipient of the Andy Nelson Memorial Technology Scholarship is Casey Wilmes. Casey is majoring in Graphic Design at Iowa State University.
Two Leader of Tomorrow awards were given to Katie Barnes from Boone and Blake Haub from Ogden.
The George Leonard Memorial award honors four 4-H members who have been active club members and role models for younger members. The 2019 recipients were Paige Garcia from Paton, Reilly Hayworth, Kenna Redies and Casey Wilmes from Boone.
The 4-H Spirit Award recognized nine 4-H members who have made 4-H more fun or educational through their attitude, leadership, and hard work. Sponsors of the Spirit Awards are Leigh and Julie Foster of Boone. 2019 recipients included junior members: Zachary Loecke from Ames, Juliana Lutz from Boone and Samantha Starbuck from Dayton; intermediate members: Wyatt Sharp from Boone, Kelsey Snakenberg and Jason Venard from Ogden and senior members: Margo Christensen and Justus Rude from Ogden and Taylor Wilke from Boxholm.
For the twenty-third year, the Julie and Carrie Ensley Club Citizenship award recognized one 4-H club for outstanding citizenship activities. This year, the Green Clovers 4-H Club was given this award due to their citizenship efforts. For many years, the Green Clovers 4-H Club has volunteered to help with the Boone Lions Club Turkey Dinner and their Pancake Fundraiser. At those events, you can see the club members helping serve food and drinks and cleaning up. This year, Green Clovers voted to clean up the Leininger Cemetery. The Cemetery was created in the 1800’s and needed a lot of work done. The Green Clovers Community Service committee applied for a Pioneer Grant to help pay for the restoration of the cemetery. In addition to the Pioneer Grant, Hannah Heckman, Community Service Committee Chair contacted the Douglas township clerk and the Boone County Board of Supervisors to ask permission to restore the cemetery. The Douglas Township and several other donors donated to project. This summer, Green Clovers members removed old fence and replaced it with new around the cemetery; painted a historic sign from 1898; cleared steps; removed cattle gate at the front of the cemetery; scrubbed and cleaned gravestones; and planted grass. Club members, parents and outside volunteers donated an estimated 150 hours this summer restoring the cemetery.
Three bank donors recognized 4-H members who earned the merit and achievement awards for active
4-H participation, growth, and an obvious desire for sharing the 4-H passion with others. These three banks were Vision Bank, Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, and Security Savings Bank of Boxholm. Receiving the Intermediate Merit awards were Bella Bryan from Ogden, Hannah Chesnut from Boone, Abigail Dies and Julian Weddle from Ames. Carter Baumgardner, Hannah Heckman and Regan McClure from Boone and Abby Bryan from Ogden received the Senior Merit Award.
Youth receiving the Intermediate Achievement award were Erin Barnes, Halle Heyer, and Claire Jonas from Boone, Eliza Loecke from Ames, Josie Mowrer and Clay Warson from Madrid. Youth receiving the Senior Achievement Awards were Viatris Scott from Pilot Mound and Chaz Warson from Madrid.
The Boone County 4-H Youth Committee sponsors the I CARE awards. I CARE award recipients show that they love the 4-H program through their efforts behind the scenes and their willingness to help out where ever needed. The recipients of the I CARE Awards were Brylie Hicks from Pilot Mound, CeJay Jones from Ogden and Madie Mowrer from Madrid.
Project award discs, nameplates, and plaques were presented to 60 4-H members. The members may apply for a bronze, silver, or gold disc in up to three projects in which they meet the criteria. This year a total of project award 148 discs were presented in 28 different project areas. These awards were made possible by the support of community groups including the Lions Club of Ogden and Madrid, Boone Daybreaker’s Kiwanis, Boone Noon Kiwanis, and Boone County Farm Bureau.
Twenty-Seven 4-H members who earned the gold level award in their projects also received a gift related to their project from area businesses and families. Donors included the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee, Haley Bethards, Melody Bethards, Britton Family, Frames & Things – Deb Weber, Dorlis Good Smith Memorial, Heiller Family, Johansen/Martin Family, Weyhrich Family and Randy & Joyce Patterson.
Vision Bank recognized six 4-H members who kept accurate records on their Pen of 3 beef projects. These recipients included: 1st Brylee Bice, 2nd Karli Herrstrom, 3rd Wyatt Herrstrom, 4th Anna Wilson, 5th Brock Crosman and 6th CeJay Jones.
4-H Awards Day activities also included presentation of adult awards and installation of the 2019-2020 Boone County 4-H Council. For more information on 4-H, contact the Boone County Extension Office at (515) 432-3882.

Outstanding 4-H Graduates Front Row (L to R): Megan Osborn and Natalie Bretey Back Row (L to R): Amy Landas from US Bank, Kurt Phillips from Boone County Chamber of Commerce, and Hans Pollard from Boone Bank and Trust Co.

Outstanding 4-H Freshmen Front Row (L to R): Joe Baumhover and Hudson Bretey Back Row (L to R): Alanna Schroeder and Franny Burke-Vens

Outstanding 4-H Sixers Front Row (L to R): Drew Hayworth, Emma Wiebold and Caraline Hertz Back Row (L to R): Tyler Osborn, Owen Bergstrom and Lucy Read

Spirit Awards Front Row (L to R): Taylor Wilke, Jason Venard and Samantha Starbuck Back Row (L to R): Juliana Lutz, Wyatt Sharp and Kelsey Snakenberg

Leader of Tomorrow Left to Right: Blake Haub, Katie Barnes and Vision Bank Sponsor Nick Lentz.

George Leonard Award Left to Right: Paige Garcia, Reilly Hayworth and Casey Wilmes with Vision Bank sponsor Nick Lentz.

Merit Awards Front Row (L to R): Carter Baumgardner, Abigail Dies, Hannah Chesnut, Bella Bryan Back Row (L to R): Abby Bryan and Hannah Heckman

I CARE Award Left to Right: Lydia Longhorn, CeJay Jones and Maddie Mowrer

Achievement Awards Front Row (L to R): Claire Jonas, Chaz Warson, Viatris Scott, Halle Heyer Back Row (L to R): Erin Barnes, Josie Mowrer and Clay Warson

Bice, Safly, Blomgren and Flynn Scholarships: Front Row: Megan Osborn, Jason Safly and McKayla Dozier Back Row: Karen Sackett, Amie and Pyper Williams

Pen of Three Awards Brylee Bice and Anna Wilson
(contributed article and photos, Boone County 4-H)