BOONE, Iowa—Boone County Road Department has been preparing for an extensive project to improve the counties Farm to Market gravel roads. Scott Kruse, County Engineer has released this information:
Beginning in the next few weeks Boone County will be doing a Granular Surfacing Project on the Farm to Market gravel roads. As you may have noticed the Boone County Maintenance Staff are diligently working to improve the crown on those routes. Crews all around the county are removing the high edges and incorporating that material to get the crown of the road to a minimum of 4%. PCI will be the contractor involved in hauling the Material, when they arrive we will be placing 400 tons of 1.5” limestone rock on 120 miles of roadway in Boone County. The link below will take you to a 2 page map highlighting in red the routes that will receive the rock. Please use caution when approaching areas where we are working.