BOONE, Iowa—This past Sunday morning the Boone Firefighters Association hosted their annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at the Boone Fire Department, raising money to purchase updated firefighting equipment.
In a statement released by the Association this week, they pass along thanks for the tremendous support from the local community. With that support, they were able to set a new record high for funds raised. A portion of the funds will be used to purchase a new thermal imaging camera. Having exceeded their goal, firefighters will be meeting to identify other equipment needs and they are happy to report that we will be able to update other aging equipment to help better serve the citizens of Boone.
The Association passed along thanks to everyone who came out to support them as well as the following organizations who donated goods and services to help make their breakfast a success: Atlantic Bottling, Boone County Sportsmen’s Club, Fareway Meat & Grocery, Key Cooperative, Modern Woodmen and Sunstrom Miller Press.

The Boone Fire Association’s Annual Pancake Breakfast offered drive thru take out and in house seating.

Members of the Boone Fire Fighers Association serving up their Annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday at the Boone Fire Department.
(contributed article and photos, Boone Firefighters Association)