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Hilpipre Announces Candidacy in Boone’s Fifth Ward

Posted on 06 August 2021 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—A relatively new resident to the Boone community has officially announced his intent to seek election to the Boone City Council.  Cole Hilpipre, a current resident in the 5th Ward, passed along his announcement this week:

My name is Cole Hilpipre and I currently live in ward 5 of Boone, IA. I moved to Boone from Webster City, IA about 2 years ago and have fallen in love with the community ever since. My favorite things to do in town are explore the amazing parks that Boone has to offer with my dog, Kenya, and my boyfriend. We also love to explore all the different locally owned shops and businesses in Boone as well.
The reason I have decided to run for Boone City Council- Ward 5 is because I know Boone is a up and coming town that is continuing to grow and I’d love to be apart of that transformation. Growing up as a rural Iowa kid, I’ve learned to appreciate all the future movements in a growing community, while maintaining that small town charm we’ve all grown to love.
If elected I look forward to working along side community leaders and citizens to make sure all needs are heard and to keep Boone the great community that I have come to know and love.

Cole Hilpipre announces plans to seek election as the 5th Ward Council Member in Boone










(contributed announcement)

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