BOONE, Iowa—The Boone City Council’s Utility Committee has voted to bring a Management and Operations proposal from U.S. Water Services Corporation to the full City Council. The proposal is a five-year contract that would make U.S. Water the manager and operator of the city’s water treatment and waste water treatment plants. The committee heard comments and questions for nearly two-hours Monday evening at the Boone City Hall Auditorium. U.S. Waters Chris Gutschow, Director of Business Development and Aaron Voss, Vice-President of Service Delivery in Mid-Central U.S. and based in Forth Dodge, answered questions from those in attendance. Many attending the meeting were supporting current employees. The Committee was also asked if they would seek proposals from other companies similar to U.S. Water. The presentation of financial information for both the water and waster water facilities shows that the proposal from U.S. Water would be about $8,000 over the expected current budget. The City would retain ownership of both facilities and the Council would be responsible for setting rates. If approved by the Council, U.S. Water would then attempt to hire current city employees. The proposal does call for a total of 7-employees working at the facilities in Boone.
The Utility Committee has been considering options since the departure of Dan Scott, the City Engineering and Utility Superintendent. Efforts to find a City Engineering to actually head up Public Works has been difficult to accomplish. It’s part of the plan that allows John Rouse to step away from Public Works and remain as Park Director until his expected retirement.