BOONE, Iowa—The Boone City Council voted unanimously to hold a special election on a proposed bond issue for March 7, 2023. The proposal called for issuing General Obligation Local Option Sales Tax Bond, Not to Exceed $10,000,000. The bond funding has been proposed as part of a plan to fund a Rec and Wellness Center. The bond would be paid by the existing Local Option Sales Tax that has been in place since 1990. The previous vote in March called for an increase in the city’s franchise fee on utilities to repay the debt. Opponents and proponents were in attendance at the Tuesday evening City Council Meeting to express their opinions about the proposal.
Opponents felt the funds could be used for other city purposes, like sanitary sewer improvements following flooding and basement backups from recent heavy rains. Others were opposed because the issue of a Wellness Center was defeated in a special election last March. Others felt it was a round about way to raise property taxes. Others noted the cost of any project in the current economic climate is just not practical. There were still concerns about locating a facility downtown which carried over from the March election.
Supporters of the project felt it would be a necessary addition to the community and fill needs for youth recreational activities and space for older residents. Some have supported the project as a quality of life offering that is not currently available in Boone.
Petitions containing more than enough signatures calling for the special election were received. City staff told the Council they could choose to hold election this September or next March, or wait until the next municipal election in November 2023.